As fotomurales place


1.Prepare the wall or surface where it is to be placed.

For proper adhesion of the photomural, It must be as clean and smooth as possible.

Must eliminate imperfections with putty, loa plugging holes or cracks if any.

2.Sorts the photographic mural panels.

Aconsejamoscomenzar by one side. Mida la pared y trace una linea para saber hasta dónde llegará el panel.

3.Remove the white protective paper from behind the picture about 10 cm.

Carefully remove the backing from the top of the panel will be placed.

4.Placing the first panel.

Hold the panel on the top side and place it on top of the wall or surface colocaión.

Gradually remove the protective paper help of a soft cloth, pegando el panel de arriba hacia bajo con cuidado para ir eliminando las posibles burbujas de aire.

Thus progressively to the foot of the panel.

5.Paste panels.

Put the rest of the panels overlapping one over the other one centimeters approximately.

(La imagen se repite en este espacio para poder encajarlo mejor)

6.Trimming excess material.

Once installed have to cut the excess paper from the ceiling and baseboard with a cutter, Always careful not to damage the photomural.